粉红猪小妹 第四季
Peppa Pig – Season 4
More adventures of loveable little pig named Peppa who lives with her little brother George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig.
- Region Free 4 DVD Boxset (26 Episodes)
- Bilingual audio options of English or Mandarin Chinese
- Subtitles - Simplified Chinese or English.
- Size: 14.5 x 19.5 x 4.0cm
DVD 01
01. 猪爷爷的电脑 - Grandpa Pig’s Computer
02. 吹口哨 - Whistling
03. 兔小姐的直升机 - Miss Rabbit’s Helicopter
04. 春天 - Spring
05. 兔小姐请假 - Miss Rabbit’s Day Off
06. 医院 - Hospital
DVD 02
07. 兔爷爷的灯塔 - Grampy Rabbit’s Lighthouse
08. 太阳,大海和雪 - Sun, Sea and Snow
09. 圣诞老人的屋 - Santa’s Grotto
10. 圣诞老人的来访 - Santa’s Visit
11. 小宝宝亚历山大 - Baby Alexander
12. 仓鼠兽医的乌龟 - Doctor Hamster’s Tortoise
DVD 03
13. 沙沙格格梆梆交响乐 - Shake, Rattle and Bang.
14. 兔爷爷的修船厂 - Grampy Rabbit’s Boatyard
15. 体育课 - Gym Class
16. 做陶器 - Pottery
17. 狐狸先生的货车 - Mr. Fox’s Van
18. 狐狸费雷迪 - Freddy Fox
19. 世界上最大的泥坑 - The Biggest Muddy Puddle in the World
DVD 04
20. 话匣子 - Chatterbox
21. 克洛伊的大朋友 - Chloe’s Big Friends
22. 大象埃德蒙的生日 - Edmond Elephant’s
23. 纸飞机 - Paper Aeroplanes
24. 秘密俱乐部 - The Secret Club
25. 爸爸的冠军 - Champion Daddy Pig
26. 黑莓雚木林 - The Blackberry Bush
Boxset DVDs: Peppa Pig 粉红猪小妹 – Season 4
- Language Level: Beginner/Elementary
- Condition: New